The TAL-C disc harrow is recommended for light and medium types of soil for post-harvest cultivation and as a unit to complete the process of pre-sowing cultivation. Thanks to independently mounted 560 mm diameter notched discs, each protected by a leaf spring suspension, the machine can be operated on stony soils. The TAL-C discs are mounted at preset angle to penetrate the soil well whereas maintenance-free oversize hubs provide exceptional durability. TAL-C may be equipped with wide range of options: rollers, scrapers, transport chasis, seeders, ect.

TAL-K 8-m wide disc harrow for pre-seeding and post-harvesting cultivaiton. Built around sturdy frame, boron steel 560mm notched discs, 130mm leaf springs and reinforced maintenance free bearing units. Pre-set disc attack angle is optimiszed for btes efficiency, while premium grade materials provide exceptional durability. Hydraulic working depth adjustment and transport chasis with penumatic brakes are standard.

GAL-C compact disc harrows with two rows of 560mm boron steel notched discs mounted on maintenance free fully sealed bearing hubs. Working units mounted to the frame by means of rubber suspension rollers. Many optional accesories available as variety of rollers, scrapers, screens and more.

GAL-K 8-m wide disc harrow for pre-seeding and post-harvesting cultivaiton. Built around sturdy frame, boron steel 560mm notched discs, working units mounted to the frame by means of rubber suspension rollers, and reinforced maintenance free bearing units. Pre-set disc attack angle is optimiszed for btes efficiency, while premium grade materials provide exceptional durability. Hydraulic working depth adjustment and transport chasis with penumatic brakes are standard.

GAL-K HD 8-m wide disc harrow for pre-seeding and post-harvesting cultivaiton. Built around sturdy frame, boron steel 560mm notched discs, working units mounted to the frame by means of rubber suspension rollers, and reinforced maintenance free bearing units. Pre-set disc attack angle is optimiszed for btes efficiency, while premium grade materials provide exceptional durability. Hydraulic working depth adjustment and transport chasis with penumatic brakes are standard.

GAL-K XL is our new model of trailed disc harrow, designed for middle power tractors. The unique feature of XL range is a three-section frame folding mechanism, while other MANDAM disc harrows fold in two. This provides compact transport size for machines up to 7,5m working width, with no need to use dedicated transport chassis, which is necessary for 8, 10 and 12m machines. Roller sections have an independent folding mechanism, bringing more balance to the entire structure. Disc row spacing is enlarged to 1000mm, which also improves working quality in harsh conditions. The hydraulic working depth control, chassis suspension and 620mm wide wheels are a standard equimpent. Maintenance free MANDAM hubs with 5-year warranty, together with variety of available discs, provide outstanding working efficiency. There are 10 different rollers to choose from, as well as many other accessories. This ensures great configuration abilities. Available in 5m and 7,5m working width.

Knife roller, 380mm diameter. Universal hitch frame allows front or rear of the tractor attachment. It may be coupled with any kind of disc harrow or cultivator. Boron steel blades and reasonably small roller diameter provide fast rotation and effective cutting of straw and post-harvest remains.

These subsoilers are designed for deep soil opening without opening its layer. They enable better moistening and and drainage in the surface layer of the soil. Available roller (MGW) provides better working depth control, while optional moles, improve field drainage.

Subsoiler MGP is designed to work with an active cultivating machines for one pass deep cultivation without layer opening. Subsoiler MGP enables better moistening and drainage in the surface layer of the soil. Using MGP with active units for top layer before seeding increases the crop.

The KUS cultivator comprise a wide range of machines designed as a robust frame with two beams. The type of machines is used for pre-sowing and pre-planting cultivation as well as for stubble cultivation as they achieve excellent results thanks to perfectly performed undercutting and mixing of post-harvest remains. Two rows of tines, alternating settings of of 465 mm diameter notched discs and a wide range of rollers to choose from guarantee high quality of post-harvest cultivation.

The TOP cultivator is an alternative for two-beam stubble cultivators. Short cutting plough shares placed in three rows and 465 mm diameter notched discs suspended on the roller’s frame, ensure perfect mixing of post-harvest remains. High clearance between the frame and the ground (approximately 80 cm) allows operation even on high cut stubble of cereals or maize without the risk of clogging the machine. The TOP cultivator can be employed in post-harvest and deep cultivation (up to 30 cm when wing shares removed) as well as in sowing aftercrops.
TOP-S version is equipped with a double protection spring protection mechanism that improves its work during deep cultivation on a stony fields.
As with all our cultivators, wide range of rollers is available as an option.

Spec HD (heavy duty) is the tougher version of regular SPEC cultivator. That three row cultivator is designed for stubble cultivation and tillage. Equipped with double spring proteciton with updated swingarm geometry, is able to withstand much greater ground preassure than the regular machine. Minimal activation imput force is 550 kg per tine, which allows, after removing detachable wingshares, aggressive tillage as deep as 30cm. Variety of press rollers to choose from, different toughness points and profiled tines, fulfill the image of the tough while universal machine.

An all-purpose cultivator type SUPER is designed for pre-sowing and after-harvest cultivation of light-textured and medium-heavy soils. Light framework structure allows for transferring high loads from tines with cross-section of 70×12. By using this cultivator can significantly reduce the cost of soil cultivation. The machine is folding in a two-wing arrangement by using hydraulic pistons, and is offered in three working widths 4,5 and 6 meters.

The Campbell MWC/MWW rollers are intended for cultivation. Mounted on the front three-point hitch of the tractor. Their main function is to compact and smooth the field before or during sowing, compress and maintain soil moisture and improve its structure. Mandam Campbell cast wheels are available in three diameters: 700, 800 and 900 mm. Additional, individually height adjusted, knife cultivator section is standard on M WW models.

The Cambridge MCB/MCW rollers can be used for post-harvest works to speed up the process of straw and harvest rests decay. Then can also be used on grassland and meadows. Their main function is to smooth the field, maintain soil moisture and improve soil structure. The Cambridge cast-iron 525 mm diameter wheels serve as working elements. Additional, individually height adjusted, leaf spring cultivator section is standard on MCW models.

STAR roller – intended for cereal crops, but also perfect for themaintenance of grass and pastureland. Due to angeled multi egde aggressive ring profile, deliveres great crushing and pressing action. Self cleaning and low rolling resistance are also worth mentioning features. Two sizes of rings 500 and 550mm provide multilayered soil compression available with STAR roller. STAR Tandem unit utilizes two 550 mm overlaped rollers for better coverage and feeiciency.

Pre-seeding cultivator FLEX is a well proven unit, designed for a seed bed preparation. Available in several working widths from 3 to 6m, as a carried unit (FLEX), or a trailed one (with transport chassis – FLEX-K). Machine consists of 6 independent working sections, which provide effective seed bed preparation. First section of adjustable track erradicators, is followed by the second one – 355 mm diameter string rollers. Behing, there is a section of 3-ranks of 32x10mm tines (straight or sweep sharepoints available) with independent working depth adjustment. Light adjustable leveling board is the fourth section of the machine, while two rollers following – the first one is a 300mm diameter string roller, with 400mm crosskill roller behind, make 5th and a 6th. All working sections have a swing mechanism, providing great field shape copying.

Based on three section frame, where middle section has a built in hitch frame, while two side frames are folding by use of hydraulic cylinders. HYBRO comes in working widths
– 3,4,6 and 8 meter. There are two working sections of the machine. Three row drag harrow comes first, hanged freely from top of the frame, to provide great ground copying and lots of clearance. Drags are followed by three row tine section. Equipped with 10 mm thick, height adjustable spring tines, allows stepless adjustments of the machine. While at work, first drag subsection is responsible for leveling the surface, smoothing animal excrements and removal of molehills. Tine section rakes and cleans the meadow. It also improves air and water circulation which stimulates a growth, eliminates weeds and prepares the surface for seeding. Working with HYBRO provides optimal and complete grassland and meadow care.
HYBRO may be equipped with an electric or pneumatic grass seeder and/or cambridge roller section. „HYBRO ” design is registered and protected by utility patent no. W.122-470 & 1280-01G DE.M.

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