Tubular roller Ø 540 mm
Recommended for light and medium soil |

Tubular roller Ø 620 mm
Recommended for light and medium soil |

Tandem roller Ø 560 mm + Ø 400 mm
A combination of a tubular and a following string rollers. Recommended for a medium and a compact soil.

T-ring roller Ø 600 mm
A ring roller recommended for heavy, stony and lumpy soil. It offers a perfect crumbling of the surface, while leaving grooves on a field’s surface.

V-ring roller Ø 600 mm
Recommended for medium and heavy soil. Good crumbling and pressing action. Creates grooves on a field’s surface – good for water penetration.

V-ring roller with paddles Ø 600 mm
Recommended for medium and heavy soil. Good crumbling and pressing action. Creates grooves on a field’s surface – good for water penetration. Additional paddles provide some extra crushing action.

C-ring roller Ø 600 mm
Recommended for medium and heavy soil. Offering soil-to-soil action. Creates grooves on a field’s surface – good for water penetration.

C-ring Tandem roller Ø 600 mm
Recommended for medium and heavy soil. Offering soil-to-soil action. Creates grooves on a field’s surface – good for water penetration. Due to large contact area, it is offering exceptional working depth control when aggregated with a large and heavy machines.

C-ring Tandem HD roller Ø 600 mm
Standard C-ring rims welded to the oversized axle design for additional toughness. Recommended for toughest conditions.

Packer roller Ø 600 mm
Recommended for medium and heavy soil. Exceptional crumbling and pressing action. Very aggressive, ideal for pre-sowing cultivation.

Rubber roller Ø 500 mm
Good for a reduced tillage operations. Great soil compression due to large pressing area.

Disc roller Ø 600 mm
This roller is designed for heavy conditions. Due to heavy weight roller presses crop residues into the soil, and coveres those with earth, while leveling the ground at the same time.

Spring roller Ø 560 mm
Each roller ring is built of 4 independent springs, thanks to which the wheels fall into a characteristic vibration, which ensures better compaction and leveling of the ground even in difficult cultivation conditions.